Outdoor Skills Training

Backpacking Basics - Level I

Led by experienced outdoor instructors at Pack to Paddle Outdoors, this course is designed for those looking to embrace the outdoors with the right skills and equipment.

What makes this course unique is the hands-on and immersive experience you will receive. We believe that the best way to learn is by doing, so we will provide you with all the necessary gear to learn with and give you a chance to practice setting up your own campsite while receiving guidance and feedback from our knowledgeable instructors.

Whether you are a novice hiker or an experienced camper, our Backpacking Basics - Level I course will provide you with the fundamental skills and knowledge for a safe and enjoyable adventure. By the end of the course, you will walk away with newfound confidence, skills, and tools to embark on your own backpacking adventure.

With our level I course, you will have the foundational skills needed to embark on your own backpacking adventure confidently. You will gain knowledge of how to properly use gear, set up camp, and plan for a successful trip. By taking this course, you open up a whole new world of adventure and exploration.

We invite you to come and learn with us at Pack to Paddle Outdoors. Contact us today and take the first step in your backpacking journey.

$99.00 per person

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